Call Us Today: +34 652 444 111


First some common sense stuff. In order to sell you need an estate agent with a good network, who invests in marketing and works hard. We’re believers that uploading photos is just the beginning, certainly not the end.

How are we different?
We first start by conducting a study of what market price would generate interest. This goes beyond comparing similar priced properties because after all, these are asking prices of properties that haven’t sold yet and may, or may not, bear an indication of what price is right to attract interest.
Too upfront?
There is little point in listing a property that is over priced. We would not be managing your expectations and be utilising resources that could be directed to assisting other marketable properties.
Our success.

Once we agree to work together we will invest in professional photographs, list your property, advertise in multi-listing portals and more.

We are trusted by other international agencies. As a result they feel comfortable that if Dream Costa lists a property that we have all the property documentation on file to progress the sale without delay. To say this is critical is an understatement. If an estate agency does not ask you for substantial documentation then this may be a sign that their efforts will limited to listing rather than working toward a sale.
Fast moving market
The Costa del Sol is a dynamic market that hundreds of potential Buyers fly to every week and many make a buying decision. If a Buyer decides on your property we want it to be a straightforward and stress-free process for all parties. With all the documentation in hand we can forward it to a Buyer’s solicitor, confirm a reservation fee, sign a contract and fix a closing date. This can happen just days.
What are you waiting for?
We like to think that in a small way we’re making the property selling process a more personable, pleasant and professional experience. If we list your property it’s because we expect we have a pretty good shot at selling it. Contact us today and let’s spark up a conversation!